Reduce Test Time and Connection Cycles
Rosenberger provides the answer with an innovative multi-port, multi-frequency PIM testing solution, ensuring precision testing while maximizing on time savings and ROI.
- Modular design
- Multiple base units and filters
- Combiner unit
- Direct connection to DUT via PIM test cable and quick-lock adapter
Example of a high-band test configuration:
- 1 connection towards DUT on 4 high-band ports
- PIM test 4 high-band ports, 3 different bands simultaneously in one connection
- Overall test time ~ 30 seconds in sweep mode (PIM test including cable connection)
- Reduce test time and connection cycles
- Improve testing efficiency
- Optimize utilization of test equipment (totex)
- Reduce complexity of test setup
- Minimal cabling required
- Easily expandable
- Capex and opex savings
Download Flyer Multi-Port, Multi-Frequency PIM Test Solution
Reliable Classification and Detection of External PIM
The versatile Rosenberger 2-port PIM testing solution combines the functionality of a traditional one port test system with a new 2-port test system to distinguish internal PIM-sources from external PIM-sources.
- One port: same power of f1 and f2 at PIM-source. If PIM is found, source can be internal (transmission path) or external (beyond antenna).
- Two ports: f1 to Antenna 1, f2 to Antenna 2. No PIM on transmission path possible. If PIM is found, it must be external.
PIM Hunting
Furthermore the additional RX port on the 2 port filter unit enables the built-in receiver. In combination with a PIM hunting probe it is possible to detect external PIM-sources around the antennas. With this integrated solution an additional spectrum analyzer to operate the PIM hunting probe is not needed.
- PIM test under typical scenarios (e.g. 2 antennas using different wavebands)
- Configurable menu (1 or 2 port measurement)
- Clearly differentiate internal from external PIM
- Additional RX port for connection of test probe for external PIM detection
- Integrated DTF module
- No separate spectrum analyzer needed
- Adjustable PIM level beep tone via bluetooth speaker or remote tablet
Download Flyer 2-Port PIM Test Solution