Supply Management


Supply Management Comprises the Monitoring of the Entire Global Production Process, Starting with the Procurement of Raw Materials through to the Delivery of the Finished Products

The focus is primarily on the coordination and integration of the individual work steps within the company, but also between the producer, supplier and customer.

Supply Management at Rosenberger is responsible for the cross-company, process-oriented planning and control of the entire value chain - end to end, flexible and global. Therefore, in addition to sales and production planning, disposition and inventory strategies are in place and process improvements are regularly initiated. The Supply Management also works closely with organizational units along the process chain. In this way, common goals are developed and pursued to generate optimizations and benefits for each partner.


Planning & Control of the Global Production and Supplier Network

When it Comes to Aligning the Global Production and Supplier Network Rosenberger Focuses on the Customer

This ensures customer requirements are successfully met with the help of interdisciplinary interface control. Rosenberger brings a high degree of flexibility to changing requirements - this ranges from single to mass production and includes all stages of the value creation process. In addition to efficient coordination processes for global production processes, Rosenberger creates transparency by using modern business intelligence tools.


Long-Term Supplier Relationships Based on Partnership

Being a Supplier for Rosenberger Means Providing Top Performance - Technology and Cost Leaders in Their Product Segment with Proven Ability to Meet High Quality Standards

They bring maximum flexibility to product and production requirements, follow ethical and ecological standards and comply with legal framework conditions. Such premium suppliers often work globally to ensure Rosenberger Group's worldwide production.


Global Operational Execution of Logistics and Supply Chain Processes

Supply Management Encompasses Strategic and Operational Responsibility for the Entire Supplier Management and Logistics Processes - End to End, Flexible and Global

From the procurement of raw materials to the delivery of our products, supplier onboarding, purchasing and logistics work closely together as an integrated organizational unit. In this way common goals are developed and pursued i to generate optimizations and benefits for all partners in the supply chain. Flexibility is a strength of the Rosenberger Group and an important prerequisite for being able to serve our customers in the best possible way. To align our solutions with this goal we work closely with internal and external partners during the product development process in cross-functional teams. We pay attention to efficiency and agility in the implementation and control of our global β€œsupplier and production network”. The basis for this is transparency: by using key figures and the consistent application of shop floor management as well as modern business intelligence tools.


Sales & Operations Planning

Sales & Operations Planning (S&OP) stands for the Strategic Alignment of Market Requirements

The market changes are noticed early in the process. Adherence to delivery dates, inventory optimization and productivity are brought into line with planning. This lays the foundation for optimal customer order processing which ensures requirements and stock-oriented disposition while providing production with the necessary input.

The number base from customer forecast, planning strategies and organization is coordinated efficiently through regular communication with the respective departments. The planning processes are mapped in the ERP and bespoke systems.


Innovative Networking with the Entire World

The Rosenberger Group Supplies Customers with Innovation and Commitment and Operates its Global Production Network on International Supply Chains

The company's own customs and export control departments ensure the flexible integration of customer requirements and flow of goods around the globe, including custom products and services. In addition to fully automated production supply Rosenberger excels in intralogistics with the use of innovative 4.0 solutions.