Rosenberger Proximity Connector (RoProxCon) - System-on-Module

Webinar about Contactless Data and Power Transmission


October 13, 2022

In the age of the Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity is right in the center. Increasing automation requires more and more electromechanical systems are connected to one another. However, cables and connectors are often under considerable stress, causing cables to deteriorate or even break, and overused connectors to fail resulting in machine downtime.

The advantage of contactless transmission is that inflexible electromechanical couplings are no longer required, while the radio technology offers a high degree of additional flexibility.

RoProxCon, Rosenberger‘s innovative contactless connector, leverages ST‘s ST60, a 60 GHz RF transceiver, is an innovative connecting system that bridges construction-related air gaps with high interference immunity. It offers advantages in applications where there are high requirements for low maintenance and immunity to vitbration, rotation and contaminants. Compared to other wireless transmission standards like Bluetooth, WLAN, ZigBee etc., RoProxCon meets all the necessary requirements for real-time applications in the automation industrie (e.g. low latency).

With RoProxCon, existing applications can be improved while also allowing new solutions to be created for proviously unrealizable scenarios.

Join us for 1-hour webinar to discover the basics and numerous benefits of contactless data and power transmission.

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